‘The Last Five Months Have Been A Learning Curve, But I Couldn’t Be Happier Here’

I’m Martha Vella and I’m 22 years old. My career at MIA kicked off last November when I took on my first full-time role as a network analyst within the IT Department, shortly after I graduated as an Electrical and Electronics Engineer. It was a friend of mine who told me that MIA was looking for an engineer, so I decided to give it a try, and now I’ve been here for five months! I never imagined that I would be working at MIA, but it is a nice, challenging environment and I absolutely love this job.

Tell us a bit about your current role within MIA.

In my role, I never have a routine or a typical day. Our team is always working to improve the company’s systems and solve issues that may arise on a day-to-day basis. Together with my colleagues, we’re currently working on a very important project that would eventually update all our network infrastructure.

Five months ago, I wasn’t very familiar with networks but what I love about working here is that you’re encouraged to learn and follow any training programmes which could help you improve and learn new skills. These last five months have been a learning curve and I am very grateful for each lesson learnt.

What was the most important piece of advice you’ve received?

To never lose hope and sight of what I want to achieve. No problem is unsurmountable if you keep on fighting. Life is what we make out of it, after all. Life is worth living.

You’re still relatively young. What has been your proudest achievement so far?

Without doubt, it was the moment when I handed in my thesis. When you start working on the thesis you feel as if that moment will never come. You have to work hard, even when you don’t feel like it. But the moment I submitted my thesis I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Ultimately, hard work does pays off.

Since we’re celebrating Women’s Day, is there a particular woman who inspires you? How would you define an inspiring woman?

My mother. I always had her shoulder to lean on when I felt that I wouldn’t make it. She always believed in me and kept on pushing me to achieve what I wanted. I’m here today, thanks to her support.

For me an inspiring woman is an ambitious woman. Even though we talk a lot about women’s rights, it’s not always easy being a woman. I admire women who keep fighting till they achieve what they believe in.

Do you think that it still makes sense to celebrate Women’s Day?

We talk a lot about equality and equity so to some extent, we shouldn’t be celebrating Women’s Day. However, a lot still needs to be done so it’s still important to remind ourselves, through Women’s Day, that women’s ideas and contributions are important for our societies. Every person counts and has something to offer. Every person should have the same opportunities. Ultimately, we should respect and acknowledge women, every day of the year.


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